Share Information for Azerion Group N.V.

Please see below a summary for Azerion Group N.V. of the number of issued Ordinary Shares (excluding Treasury), Ordinary Shares in Treasury* and total Ordinary Shares**:

Share Information**

Type of Security #Shares **
Ordinary Shares (excl. Treasury) 122,193,277
Ordinary Shares in Treasury * 676,689
Total Ordinary Shares 122,870,787
As at 25 July 2024

* Ordinary Shares in Treasury can be used for acquisitions, exercise of warrants and option rights and other general funding purposes
** Excluding i) any conditional and unconditional option rights and Founder Warrants existing at the date of this publication; ii) Capital Shares; iii) Conditional Special Shares; and iv) Warrants

Please see section 6.4 “Description of Securities” in the Shareholder Circular dated 13 December 2021 for a comprehensive description of the classes of securities of Azerion Group

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